Tuesday, September 23, 2014

TCC @ Centrepoint

I'm a huge fan of TCC, and well though I say that, I only patronize TCC about 5 times in a year, and 2 times are usually settled in my birthday month, due to the superb discounts as a TCC member... XD

My usual melon mangoesteen tea $9 order since i tried it last year... never had such a variety of tea before except at TCC...

Ice apple peach tea $7.80, bf's usual order at TCC, tasted to me more like apple tea then peach tea though, but you get to eat the apple and peach pieces...

Awesome baby crayfish salad $16.80, some spicy mayo paired up with crayfish mayo and the ebiko and some japanese dressing that was sour and appetizing! My new favourite dish at TCC, it used to be their baby crayfish pasta, but now that it is gone from their new menu, i'm like super sad... i keep writing on their feedback forms that I want their baby crayfish pasta back on their menu :(

Creamy mushroom chicken pasta $19, not too jelat, manageable for me, but bf was ok with it...

And when i have enough stomach space, i just have to end it with a dessert! Matcha azuki cake $6.90!

They are located almost every corner of Orchard road, and it really depends on which interiors you prefer, (http://theconnoisseurconcerto.com/boutique/town.html) but I went to the one at;
176 Orchard Road, #01-101-104 Centrepoint , S238843 
Tel: 6732 9854


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