Friday, July 25, 2014

Bornga Korean Restaurant, Hui Lau Shan, Taang Shi Fu @ JB City Square

If you guys do get bored of SG environment and prices, you guys could hop onto the sbs bus at kranji mrt to get into woodlands checkpoint, and crossover to JB for some foodhunt.. I did that a few weeks ago, was kinda late, 12pm then reached kranji, and queue was freaking long, longer than my previous visit..

And if you guys are not that adventurous and prefer to be safe, then i would recommend just staying within the 2 malls just across the JB checkpoint, that way you'll be covered by aircon throughout the day.. I reckon every level at JB citysquare has something to eat, so you can have 3 meals at 3 different places..

First i tried Bornga, well i've tried the one in SG at Star Vista, and well they are pricey cause they are a well known celebrity chef restaurant.. But in JB, the food was almost half the price of SG's and provide better service!

The usual banchans that you will get at most korean restaurants, couldn't resist the endless refills of the braised peanuts and fruits & macaroni salad, i think we refilled those two dishes slightly more than 5 times, buay paiseh one... XD the rest of them were pretty normal..

Ever since i tried the army stew at Seoul Yummy at Bugis Plus, i usually will order this if there is enough people to share with me, as usually the portions are huge! If 2 army guys can finish it, i'm not surprised.. Picture above is before the ingredients were boiled, kimchi, spam, sausage, korean rice cake, tofu, minced beef, mushroom, baked beans, leeks, vegetables, glass noodles and instant noodles..

My friend's bibimbap, awesome presentation, and tasted up to standard.. 

And here's the army stew after being cooked and stirred... It was so yummy i finished all the spam and leeks, didn't managed to finished it though, as it was too huge for 2 to share.. Only flaw was that i didnt get to eat the baked beans much, the stew kept boiling, the soft baked beans dissolved into the soup and became a powdery base that sinked to the bottom of the pot...

This was the rubus like plum like sorbet drink that they gave every customer after their meals, the staff were quite auto within this one, once they see you're almost done, they don't even ask u, they just serve it to us.. 

Definitely will eat here again, will never eat in SG anymore after this JB visit..

They are located at:

BornGa Korean Restaurant

JB City Square, Level : 3, Lot : MF-23

Next stop for high tea after some digestive and calorie burning shopping.. Saw that 許留山 is quite popular on reviews, so decided to try how nice it was, below is the picture of their top 10 desserts..

Mango sago was pretty awesome, worth the money for this one..

Look at the awesomely ripe and sweet mango cubes..

This was what my friend ordered, birdnest in coconut milk..
And it was kinda like eating jelly bits in coconut milk, after awhile it gets pretty jelat and filling.. Not advisable to eat this alone, better share with 2-3 people...

This was what I ordered, coconut jelly with a side serve of birdnest in some sweetened milk..

This was awesome, my personal preference though, cause my friend didn't like how the birdnest was in the milk.. Definitely would eat this dessert again, i can finish it all on my own..

And well the joke was this, when we the desserts came to our table, my friend and I mixed up our own orders, so i ended up finishing hers which I didn't really like, and she ended up not finishing mine as she didn't really like it as well, and was sulking throughout.. 

Somehow, JB's version of 白果薏米 abit different.. I don't know if its because hongkong style or malaysia style, but they served it with a hard boiled egg, which was pretty peculiar, as its my first time seeing such way of serving.. Nonetheless, it was a pretty fair dish..

Definitely coming back for the coconut jelly though it costs like SGD$4-5 for a serving.. They are located at:

Hui Lau Shan

JB City Square, Level 3 - J3-20

Next stop for dinner! Taang Shi Fu, another one of the popular restaurants at City Square, apparently famous for their dry mee sua..

Vintage tea china..

This abalone and chicken soup mee sua, i know it looks simple and the ingredients look meagre... But the richness of the broth for this one is just awesome!

My friend ordered this thick mushroom scallop XO broth together with the dried mee sua.. The thick broth was awesomely fragrant and not too salty, that i actually kinda drank it as soup, cause my friend didn't liked it that much, as it was served to her lukewarm, which I was abit disappointed.. Wanted to get the waiter to change a hot one, but my friend doesn't want to.. So..

And the dried abalone meesua dish above is mine! Never had mee sua served in this way before, and this was just awesome, practically can just lick the plate clean.. I think main highlight is at ball of brown stuff served on top, which i'm guessing is deep fried shallots, dried scallops and shrimps.. Cause it was so fragrant, wished they give more of those though..

Ordered chicken feet for the bf, served in a different style than those we get at HK dimsum stored that has red sauce... This one was peppery and bf finished the whole plate.. Im not a fan of feets, but i tried the sauce and honestly love it..

My friends congee, loved the way they serve it, but portion was quite small, pretty silky texture but slightly lacking in flavour.. 

Well, if you are looking for good tasting food, then they are worth a try.. As for service, i was so pissed with their service, not attentive and machiam unwilling to serve us, took me like 3-4times to get them to our table to answer our queries.. Value for money? Honestly, they charge abit high just for those meagre portions of noodles and ingredients, but cause they tasted awesome, it kinda did covered up for that.. 

They are located at:

Taang Shi Fu

JB CIty Square, Level : 4 - Lot J4-21

My friend suggested for us to buy this pretty swissroll, as she tried before and find them quite delicious.. Apparently there is another store in city square that offers the same kind of swissrolls, but my friend tried both and prefer this store's version.. Located right at the level where you enter City Square..

Strawberry one was pretty mediocre, considering i paid for about SGD$5-6 for this one, i don't think it is so awesome that i must buy it the next time i go JB... Other than smoothness and softness of the spongey texture, its all average..

Matcha azuki swissroll, well as long as there is green tea, i sure buy.. This one was mediocre as well, thought there will be like pieces of red bean everywhere in this sponge or even inside the cream.. End up they used red bean paste and roll them into 2 parts of the cake, which i felt was pretty -.-||| my verdict? Not enough green tea powder and red bean needs modification.. 

If you guys still wanna try after my review, they are located at;

Yong Sheng Gift Shop

JB City Square, Level 3 - MF-14


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