Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Chef Noodles @ Harbourfront Centre

Hi guys! Last weekend was really hectic for me, i crazily packed my saturday schedule from 10.30am all the way to 12 midnight! Like yoga, ipl, lunch, yoga, chef noodles exclusive closed door tasting event and then 987FM RSVP hunting party..

So let's talk about the tasting event i was invited to! It's my first invite, and i was extremely excited! (Just a Disclaimer; i am not paid to do this blog entry, so everything that you will read below is just my honest views) 

So Chef Noodles is a celebrity chef's restaurant that 1st opened on 5th April 14 at harbourfront centre, and they are under Zingrill Holdings with familiar household names like Seoul garden under their group of restaurants.. & who's the famous chef? He is none other than Chef Choi In Sun! Anyways, this restaurant features Korean-Japanese Fusion Cuisine, with noodles, or ‘Guksoo’ in Korean, being the core of their menu items, and also dishes serves ‘Deopbap’ or Rice Tubs, and the Bulchobap, or Fire Sushi. For more information on their menu, please refer to: http://chefsnoodle.com.sg/menu-category/chefs_guksoo/ 

So here's the menu that we had for the night, and we chose pork belly wrap, and Chef's Bibim Guksoo and Daehan Deopbap, partially cause my table had 2 other friends who couldn't eat beef..

Here's the ice rubus tea, have no idea what it is made off, but honestly it tasted like ribena, and then it had this berry & floral taste, and it was a slightly cloudy drink, and you could see pulps upon close examination of the drink.. And then i googled & it says its a fruit similar to raspberry or blackberry! Anyways, other than the fact that it was a really nice drink and thirst quencher, we all found it too sweet even with ice! They could dilute it further.. At $4.90, it is still within reasonable price..

They portioned the sampler of appetizers really well, as we had only 3 pax on our table, we only had a piece of each, that came with a unique sauce that had wasabi in it, but not too pungent.. So basically there was the chives and prawn fritters that was like our local prawn fritters, only slightly healthier with the amount of chives it contained.. My friend loved it, whereas i found it only mediocre as prawn fritter isn't really my kind of food.. Mandu was awesome, reminds me of the awesome ones i had at seoul garden hotpot! Then there was this round breaded croquette like thingy, i loved that as the ingredients they used were like the fillings of a chicken pie! And they range from $5.90-$6.90 a plate, which is quite cheap..

Then came our pork belly wrap! Well i wouldnt say this was awesome, neither would i say it was bad.. It taste similar to the one i had at amara hotel, just that i don't really fancy pork belly, so I used my noodle's pork bulgogi to wrap it instead! And for $6.90 i think its freaking cheap though the portion is small, cause at amara i remembered paying $20-30+.. And they have options for pork or beef bulgogi wraps as well..

Jajang! My awesome bowl of noodles.. Haven't tried any korean or chinese dried sauce cold noodles before, so no idea if this is better than others! But i personally loved it.. The noodles weren't that cold as they catered to singaporean preferences.. The noodles were soft just the way i liked it, and importantly it wasn't instant noodles! The presentation and flavour of food was awesome for me, absolutely love the juicy sweet pork bulgogi meat and the spicy soy bean sauce that mixes well with the noodles.. At only $13.90, i would definitely go back for this dish.. And their signature egg roll that came with their noodles and rice was fluffy and awesome, like japanese tamago, but more moist and soft..

Their popular rice dish, Daehan Deopbap is a rice dish in a stylish wooden tub serves with a generous amount of savoury and delicious topping – from flavourful and sweet sautéed Bulgogi Beef to crispy battered stuffed ‘Gochu’ like our local yong tau foo but fried tempura style and a medley of healthy veggies.. Personally, though similar sauce as my cold noodles, i did not fancy this dish, rather order my noodles!

All their main dishes of Guksoo and Rice are served with 2 small portion of banchan; and all the dried mains are accompanied with a cup of peppery Janchi broth which is refillable. This broth was like a mix of japanese miso soup and bak kut teh to me, thought i liked the soup, it was a lil salty.. :(

Look at chef preparing his signature fire sushi! This was so awesome! Wagyu beef slices fire blasted on the spot by Chef Choi, and he fed me!

And this is him preparing the signature Chef's guksoo, basically the soupy version of my dried noodles, and him showing his cartoon face that is toasted on his signature egg roll, and he says the chefs tried their best to get all the words and picture on the egg, but its still not that clear to see.. And he jokes that he hopes we will try to eat the words first then eat his head last.. XD

My overall verdict? You guys should come to try their guksoo whether soupy or dried, and the fire sushi! Its wagyu beef not some lousy cheap ass beef, and they are priced pretty reasonably!

Chef choi and his awesome team, and their morning cheer to build energy before they start work! He is such a pleasant guy, always similing!

They are located at:

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