Sunday, April 13, 2014


I guess I have been cafe-hopping most recently with my friends, and have been trying out some new cafes and constantly posting pictures of food up. My dear friend (you know who you are if you read this) texted me to set up a food blog, and its the second time he mentioned it to me, so yeah, here I am finally on the 1st post of my new and first food blog creation. Before I start posting up my reviews on the places I have been to, I'll just put a disclaimer here...

Before I had this blog, I would always share awesome food places with my friends and in a way or another try to "sell" the cafes' food to them. So now that I'm doing this blog up, this blog would be an avenue for me to share my experiences with the rest of the people, and I'm not paid, so these are just my own opinions. As the saying goes, "To each his own", my opinions may not be accurate, and what I like about a certain place or food may not favor you and vice versa. Therefore, do take my honest opinions with a pinch of salt, I mean no harm even if I don't like a certain place/food, it probably just doesn't suit my palate, or maybe I am just picky... :)


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